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Jan 8, 2019: City Council Agenda Rundown-Lamar Thorpe

Writer's picture: Lamar ThorpeLamar Thorpe

Here's what's happening!

Proclamation: Human Trafficking Awareness Month, January 2019

CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS: (F) Increasing building & safety violation fines to $130 (1st), $700(2nd), & $2,500(thereafter). (G) Extending consultant contract by $39,000 totalling $116,250 for the development of the city’s first Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan (My opinion-LONG OVERDUE!!!). (H&I) two sales tax resolutions (administrative in nature) as a result of the passage of Measure W in Nov. (J&K) two resolutions (administrative in nature) dealing with the new mix-use project (condos, commercial & retail) at the corner of Hillcrest and Deer Valley. In short, the project will be annexed into community facilities district #2018-02, a lighting & landscaping district (District 1/Zone 1), & the city takes on the responsibility of public infrastructure once completed by the developer. FYI… the community facilities district and the lighting & landscaping district are taxes that will be assessed on residents/property owners of the new Wildflower Station. (L) Increases the Capital Improvement Budget by taking $110,000 from Marina Fund & $364,562 grant awarded to the city for construction of a restroom building at the Marina Launch Facility.

PUBLIC HEARINGS ABOUT: (3) Issuance of financing bonds not to go over $31 million for the rehabilitation of Villa Medanos Apartments in SE Antioch. At first glance, it looks like the city is requesting the bonds. WE ARE NOT. The bonds are being requested by property owners. The Tax Equity & Fiscal Responsibility Act requires the City Council to hold a public hearing on the matter as part of the process. (4) Rezoning properties located at 211 & 215 W 19th St from residential to conveniences commercial. (5) Establishing a new fee for the use of our City’s Firearms Range by other law enforcement entities for training/certification. (6) Incorporating new language into the City’s General Plan specifically the Sand Creek Focus Area as a result of the adoption of two voter initiatives (The Ranch & Let Antich Voters Decide).

REGULAR AGENDA: (7) Discussion about Council’s one-time revenue policy (in other words: what to do with our annual rollover money from prior year budget). As it stands, currently we take 50% to pay down OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS for city retirees & the other 50% goes to one-time projects around the city. (8) Civic Enhancements Grant (we’re being asked to approve final decisions). Last year we gave the Parks & Rec Commission the ability to administer the grants program. This is purely administrative. (9&10) Community Development Department and Public Works department are asking for 1 new position and a contracted position each. Specifically, CD wants a building inspector and contract services for building inspections. Same with PW public works inspector and contract services. (11) Standby CouncilMembers.

***(Please note, I misspoke and said our meeting are on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday. They are not, they are 2nd and 4th Tuesday).



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